In the Fish Tavern " To Limani " we make sure that you will taste dishes with a hint of a surprise for their simplicity and perfectly satisfy your taste.
We combine, and cook simply, daily, using seasonal materials in such a way in order to highlight the delicious glory that hides the Greek land.
Behind the result a hidden surprise , a simplicity, a hidden passion, creative work, love and long experience. And this applies to all our plates.

Many different flavors to choose from, που μαγειρεύονται κάθε μέρα με επιλεγμένα φρέσκα υλικά από ‘Ελληνες παραγωγούς και από τον κήπο μας.
We expect you to try our menu, which we offer at highly affordable rates and recommend dishes that will fit your event.
Contact us to inform you about the attractive offers for your Reception, Wedding, Christening, and any other event you would like it to be an unforgettable one.
The Team ”To Limani