• WATER 1lt. 3,00

    The "Souroti Water" comes from exploitation of a deep aquifer 130 meters and owes its excellent quality to the structure of the rocks of which engages all the various beneficial elements

  • Coca Cola 250 ml

    Coca Cola 3,00

    Coca Cola 250 ml Η Coca-Cola,with modern packaging, bright red, the "wave" that makes you travel in a few drops, It remains the coolest and favorite treat in the world for 120 years.

  • coca_cola-light_logo_300dpi1

    Coca Cola Light 3,00

    The Coca-Cola, as we know with fewer calories!

  • zero_10x10cm_300dpi

    Coca Cola Zero 3,00

    Same flavor with classic coca-cola, with zero calories!

  • Lemonade

    Lemonade 3,00

    Lemonade Sprite is the largest brand in the category lemon-lime beverage in Greece and offers a surprisingly unique experience

  • Tuborg "Soda

    Tuborg "Soda 3,00

    Tuborg established in Greek market, as the No. 1 brand in the category soda, excellent quality and unique taste.

  • Orange juice

    Orange juice 3,00

    Orange Fanta more natural with, 20% orange juice and natural flavors of orange no coloring substances, only in our fish restaurant .

  • Perrier

    Perrier 3,00

    Perrier nothing more! Sparkling Natural Mineral Water known as the ultimate alternative healthy refreshment, only in our fish restaurant .

  • Orange juice

    Orange juice 3,00

    Fresh Orange juice, a natural orange juice contains nutrients, It is the most natural and delicious choice, only in our fish restaurant .

  • souroti250ml-223x300

    SOUROTI 3,00

    Sparkling Natural Mineral Water! Springs straight from the heart of the earth, only in our fish restaurant .


  • kaiser-draft

    Kaiser Draft 4,50

    Kaiser, the favorite and in a barrel!

  • fix_dark_bottle-cutout

    fix dark 4,50

    Fix dark, with a slightly bitter taste for beer lovers!

  • eza-lager-500

    εζα 4,50


  • unnamed-2

    Mamos 4,50

    Mamos beer, delightfully cool!

  • unnamed-3

    Alpha 4,50

    Alpha Beer!

  • unnamed

    Alpha weiss beer 4,50

    Alpha weiss beer, just amazing!

  • Amstel

    Amstel 4,50

    Amstel απολαυστική μπίρα, stable quality!

  • Heineken

    Heineken 4,50

    Heineken with a slightly bitter taste, combined with fruity flavor, It's brilliant color and clarity, makes Heineken an experience.

  • FIX

    FIX 4,50

    FIX familiar taste quality beer, again and again!

  • Kaiser

    Kaiser 4,50

    Kaiser is the first Pils beer in Greece. It's production in Greece started 1976 , only in our fish restaurant .

  • Mythos

    Mythos 4,50

    Mythos Brewery brews and distributes Mythos beer in Greece, the first authentic Greek beer, only in our fish restaurant .

  • Fischer

    Fischer 4,50

    Fischer is a Pilsener type beer, with charaktirisriko light color, and the discreet presence of hops in the aroma of.

  • Amstel Free

    Amstel Free 4,50

    Amstel Free is an excellent quality refreshing alcohol-free beer with great taste,


  • 5-lekseis-gia-to-krasi-pou-den-prepei-na-fobomaste-lekseis-gia-to-krasi-pou-den-prepei-na-fobomaste

    Bulk Angel wine 1lt 12,00

    White Wine 1000ml House Greek white house wine to accompany lunch and dinner.

  • Prorogos-Classic-2019-Dry-White-Wine

    forerunner 30,00

    Prorogos White 750ml,pale yellow with green highlights, Fresh citrus aromas, sir

  • 1579164489_cbd0d754b13c74f98085cdb40c352602

    theme 30,00

    Theme Pavlidis 750ml, a beautiful and intense white wine that entered the list of Greek best-sellers with

  • gr_white

    Gerovasiliou 40,00

    Gerovasiliou 750ml The first contact in the mouth exudes kindness, while the overall presence is characterized by rich, harmony, pleasant vividness and lemon finish. Recommended consumption in first 2 years of his life.

  • Vivlia Chora 700ml


    BOOKS COUNTRY 750ml Light green-yellow color with provocative clarity. The marriage of the cosmopolitan fragrance experience with multi-talented Greek, as a result a wine with intense fruity aromas reminiscent of exotic fruits, peach and citrus.

  • adolighisrose-4-800x1200

    Adoli land 30,00

    Adoli Gis Rosé 750ml, όμορφο απαλό τριανταφυλλένιο χρώμα που χαρακτηρίζεται από φρέσκα αρώματα καλο

  • Prorogos-Classic-2017-Dry-Rose-Wine

    Forerunner 30,00

    Prorogos Rose 750m,with light pink rose color, αρώματα φρούτων και τριαντάφυλλου φρέσκο στο σ

  • Prorogos-2015-Dry-Red-Wine

    Forerunner 30,00

    Prorogos Red 750ml,with bright red fresh aromas of red fruits, απαλό στο στόμα με


  • 021-65203

    Babajim 10,00

    Babajim tsipouro , the original anise-free distillate, with its rich aroma and silky taste is a drink that perfectly accompanies all our seafood delicacies!

  • Tsililis

    Tsililis 10,00

    Tsililis The finest grape varieties of Thessaly thoroughly fermented and distilled drop by drop in small copper steam stills.


    APOSTOLAKI 10,00

    Apostolakis The Greek seas often acquire , during sundown, orange & red highlights ... same as those of old wines.


    Idoniko 10,00

    Idoniko The fine is genuine spirit becomes worthy of its proud name thanks to the innovative technology of the ultra-modern distillery Domaine.


    A dime 10,00

    Dekaraki, the first varietal raki which is distillate exclusively varietal Muscat Tyrnavos, born in Tirnavos




    Greek Coffee contributes to longevity and good health, according to a Greek study in Ikaria, focusing on the secret of the good life of the island inhabitants.

  • espresso-1

    ESPRESSO 2,00

    Espresso can be recognized by its delightful taste and the unique aroma of spices and wood. A true gift of nature, who knows how to travel you far, by the official distributor of Nespresso in Greece, only in our fish restaurant .

  • TEA

    TEA 2,00

    TEA (formerly known as the purist tea) It is a worldwide popular beverage and the most popular beverage in the world after water. If you are seeking balance and want harmony in your life, green tea is right for you


  • ouzo_pitsiladi

    πιτσιλαδη 11,00

    Πιτσιλαδή Τι κι αν η παραγωγή είναι μικρή με μια καλά φυλαγμένη οικογενειακή μυστικ

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    Savour BARBAYANNIS 150 years of experience, respect for tradition and passion for ultimate quality, only in our fish restaurant .

  • Apalarina

    Apalarina 10,00

    Apalarina from 1863 the distillery factory 'Apalarina' 'with love for tradition offers you traditional drinks of Chios, only in our fish restaurant .


    Πλωμαρι 10,00

    Ouzo Plomari Isidoros Arvanitis, with its characteristic flavor and distinctive aroma, only in our fish restaurant .

  • Saddler

    Saddler 10,00

    Samara From 1896 OUZO SAMARAS travels unaltered in time, maintaining the old, familiar quality, only in our fish restaurant .

  • Mini

    Mini 10,00

    OUZO MINI MYTILINIS what makes it unique, are the 17 secret recipes of its creators.